Briyana Mecwan 2 mp4

I noticed we were both breathing a bit harder too."While you pissed in the loo, I wondered what it would feel like if you were to actually piss on me, on my tits, on my belly, on my cunt, even on my face! I have never thought like that before."My fingers found her clitoris while she spoke. Her hips began to thrust and her hand around my erection wanked me nicely."Would you like to do a bit of watersports?" I asked, before precluding a reply by kissing her open mouth and feeling our tongues wildly enmesh for a moment before she asked:"Would it make me a very naughty girl? A very bad girl? A really dirty, slutty girl?"I knew what this meant of course! "I think you know it would! And what does a dirty, slutty girl need?"We threw off the duvet and Dee rolled over and stuck her large, plump and shapely arse cheeks up. I caressed and squeezed for a moment before administering a sharp, very loud smack. Dee's cry was a mix of pain and pleasure. Another smack to her other cheek brought a. After that Wishes showed me how to put on a little make up. I tried to follow her instructions and carefully applied the eyeliner and eye shadow, lipstick Etc. I looked at myself after my first attempt and could see lots of places where I had messed it up, so I cleaned it off and started again. It took me four attempts to get a look that both Wishes and I were happy with. In the end I had to say I was pleased with it. Wishes had selected the colours for me and by the time it was finished you could hardly see where it had been applied, it somehow enhanced my features without drawing attention to itself.By the time we were dressed in our blue and green dresses I was feeling so good I was almost about to burst.It was in the car on the way to the restaurant that Wishes asked the question I had been sort of dreading.“Linda,” she said and paused.“Yes love.”“There’s something I don’t understand.”My heart almost stopped, I had an idea that I knew what was this going to be about.“Ok, what?” I.
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